When it comes to selling a home or commercial property, most sellers focus on aesthetics, curb appeal, and interior upgrades. However, security features like CCTV and intercom systems are often overlooked, despite their ability to significantly increase property value. If you’re considering having CCTV or intercom systems installed at a property you plan to sell, you’re making a smart investment—not a waste of time or money.

Here’s how these security enhancements can positively impact your property’s price and why they are worth considering.

Increased Security = Higher Buyer Appeal

Security is a top priority for both residential homeowners and commercial property buyers. Installing CCTV cameras and intercom systems provides a clear message: this property is secure and safe. For many buyers, this peace of mind can be a deciding factor, especially in neighbourhoods or areas where security may be a concern.

  • CCTV: Provides real-time surveillance, helping to deter criminal activity. Properties with CCTV are considered safer and more attractive to families and businesses alike.
  • Intercom Systems: These allow for easy communication with visitors and enable better control over who can access the property. This is particularly valuable for multi-unit properties, gated homes, or offices where foot traffic is more controlled.

Statistically Speaking: The Impact on Property Prices

Statistics support the idea that security features add tangible value. A study found that properties with robust security measures, including CCTV, can see an increase in value of up to 5%. Additionally, Money.com reported that 75% of home buyers are willing to pay more for a home equipped with smart security systems, which include CCTV and intercoms.

On the commercial side,  businesses are increasingly prioritising security in their office purchases, with 67% of corporate tenants citing it as a key factor in choosing a property.

Crime Deterrent: CCTV Protects and Adds Value

The presence of CCTV systems acts as a powerful crime deterrent. Studies show that properties with CCTV cameras are 300% less likely to be targeted by burglars or vandals compared to properties without these systems. This added layer of security means lower insurance premiums, which can be an attractive selling point for potential buyers.

Homeowners and business owners alike are aware that a secure property is less likely to face potential threats, and this peace of mind can make them more willing to invest in such a property.

Enhanced Curb Appeal with Modern Systems

Beyond security, modern CCTV and intercom systems contribute to the overall technological sophistication of a property. With smart home technology becoming more popular, having these systems installed not only enhances security but also modernises the property, aligning it with the expectations of today’s tech-savvy buyers.

Potential buyers often look for properties with up-to-date features, and security systems are no exception. By offering state-of-the-art systems, you can make your property stand out from others on the market, giving it an edge in competitive listings.

Selling Faster, Selling for More

Studies show that properties with enhanced security features often sell faster than those without. Homes with smart security technology, including CCTV, are sold 6-10% quicker than those without these features. In a competitive market, anything that can help speed up the sale process and justify a higher asking price is worth considering.

Commercial Properties: A Must-Have for Tenants

For commercial properties, especially office buildings or retail spaces, security is a crucial selling point. Companies want to ensure that their employees, customers, and assets are protected. Installing CCTV and intercom systems can make the property far more appealing to potential tenants or buyers.

Given the added layer of protection and convenience that these systems provide, commercial spaces equipped with such features can command a premium in rent or sales prices. This not only increases the property’s value but also enhances its potential for generating revenue.

A Wise Investment for Your Property

Installing CCTV and intercom systems is more than just a security upgrade; it’s a value-boosting investment that makes your property more appealing, secure, and competitive in the market.