The Importance of Fire Safety at Restaurants in Cardiff

By |2024-05-30T10:01:20+01:00May 30th, 2024|24 News, Fire Extinguishers, Fire Risk Assessment, Fire Safety|

Fire safety is a crucial aspect of running any business, but it's especially important for restaurants and bars. The bustling kitchens, flammable materials, and high foot traffic create a higher risk of fire incidents. For restaurants in Cardiff, maintaining robust fire safety protocols is not just about compliance but about ensuring the safety of

The Importance of Proper Fire Extinguisher Placement for UK Businesses

By |2024-05-02T08:58:28+01:00May 2nd, 2024|Fire Extinguishers|

For UK business owners, ensuring the safety of your premises is not just a priority; it’s a legal requirement. Fire safety is a critical element of this, and having the right fire extinguishers in the right places plays a significant role in maintaining a safe working environment. One of the key questions often asked

The Risks of Not Having the Right Fire Extinguishers in Your Workplace

By |2024-04-24T13:47:39+01:00April 24th, 2024|Fire Extinguishers|

Fire safety is a critical aspect of managing any workplace. One of the fundamental elements of fire safety is ensuring the right fire extinguishers are available and accessible. 1. Ineffective Fire Response The most immediate risk of not having the right type of fire extinguisher is the inability to effectively respond to a fire. Different

What is a Fire Safety Log Book?

By |2021-06-21T12:03:06+01:00June 21st, 2021|Fire Safety, Legislation|

When managing a business’ fire safety procedures and equipment there are many things that the 'Responsible Person’ will need to remember. However, nothing is arguably more important than ensuring you have a Fire Safety Log Book on site that is up-to-date and accessible to those that need it.   Fire Safety Log Book explained...  A

How to Prevent Fire Damage in the Workplace

By |2020-12-22T10:55:19+00:00September 22nd, 2020|Fire Safety|

Your place of work needs to be a productive, safe environment in which staff members feel comfortable. This is why ensuring business properties are 'fire-safe' is essential.  Below, we look at ways you can prevent fires at work.  Conduct your annual fire risk assessments  While there are hundreds of ways you reduce the risk of

Business Advice: Active Vs Passive Fire Protection 

By |2020-12-21T18:12:19+00:00September 21st, 2020|Advice, Fire Safety|

If you have been tasked with building a fire safety plan for your business, you will naturally look into fire extinguishers and fire alarms, being the first products that spring to mind. However, in reality, there is much more to consider when it comes to fire protection, with systems categorised into Active Fire Protection (AFP)

Fire Safety Tips for Welsh Schools

By |2021-06-17T23:05:54+01:00May 22nd, 2020|Advice, Fire Safety|

Nurseries, schools, colleges, and universities are places where people should feel safe, inspired and passionate about learning; environments that help craft students into the best versions of themselves they can be.  Where any fire is regretful, for schools they can have devastating effects on staff, students and parents alike. This is why ensuring such

Student B2L: Why It Pays to Invest in Fire Safety

By |2020-12-22T12:09:11+00:00April 22nd, 2020|Fire Safety|

  Investing in a Buy 2 Let student property is an avenue many Landlords go down, with apartments, flats, and HMOs generating great sums in rental income. However, with great reward comes great risk. This is why as a Landlord, you need to do everything you can to limit the risk of fire in

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