Deciding to install CCTV at home is a big decision. In fact, the majority of people consider upping their home security for more than 6 months before taking action!

In this blog post, we look at a few telltale signs that it is time to invest in a home CCTV system.

There has been a spike in criminal activity in your area

The truth is, thieves and burglars are becoming more and more sophisticated. New technology has led to advanced burglary techniques, putting families at risk subsequently. If you have noticed an increase in the number of burglaries and general crime in your area, investing in CCTV will give you peace of mind whilst protecting your home, family and belongings.

You have a new car

New cars to burglars are like silver to magpies. If your new car is your pride and joy, protecting it from potential car thieves is worthwhile. With a visible CCTV camera on your property’s exterior, you are 90% less likely to be targeted by thieves, with cameras being a highly effective deterrent!

You have expensive items inside the house

Whether it be diamond jewellery or a sentimental family heirloom, you will undoubtedly have items in your home that you wish to protect. Having a security system in place will give you the peace of mind that you are protecting those precious items to the best of your ability.

A member of your family has voiced their home security concerns

Has one of your children, your partner or a friend commented on the lack of security systems in place at your home? If so, this will undoubtedly have played on your mind. The best way to rectify this is to have surveillance cameras in place, settling both your’s and your peers’ concerns.

Are you looking to save money on insurance?

Home contents insurance is a fee that many of us could do without! Did you know that when installing CCTV at home, you will likely see a reduction in your contents insurance premium? This is because insurers companies LOVE it when their customers take the initiative and extra measures to protect their homes and their contents.

Request prices for Home CCTV

If you are looking to install CCTV at home, we can help. Contact us today for a price.