Welsh Businesses Begin to Reopen! But are They Prioritising Fire Safety?

By |2021-03-15T14:39:07+00:00March 7th, 2021|Advice, Fire Safety|

We are expected to see thousands of 'non-essential’ businesses open back up over the coming weeks following Mark Drakeford's most recent announcements. While this is fantastic news for Welsh businesses that have been out of action, what it does mean is that many business owners will now be in a state of panic, ensuring everything is

Installing Intercoms: Factors to Consider

By |2022-09-22T15:04:27+01:00February 17th, 2021|Advice, Security|

More than 40% of UK offices are fitted with intercoms; communication systems that allow businesses to monitor who is entering their property and when. With the ability to transmit voice and video content, modern intercoms are sleek, easy to manage and can reduce the risk of burglaries dramatically. If you are thinking of fitting

Outsourcing Your Business Fire Risk Assessment

By |2021-06-17T23:09:41+01:00December 21st, 2020|Advice, Fire Safety|

Running/managing a business has its stresses, one being the long list of fire safety obligations needed to be adhered to. While a bit of a bore for most, fire safety is incredibly important and should never be overlooked.  Not only is making your place of work safe the right thing to do for those

Security in Cardiff: How to Protect Your Home During Lockdown

By |2020-12-21T18:06:59+00:00December 21st, 2020|Advice, Security|

It is no secret that we find ourselves in strange, unnerving times, with the spread of Covid-19 bringing with it a whole set of social and economic impacts. Now, with Boris Johnson's recent instruction for Brits to follow strict social distancing guidelines, many of us will be spending more time at home.  Here at Twenty4,

Fire and Security: How to Protect Your Office in Cardiff During Lockdown

By |2021-06-17T23:04:29+01:00December 21st, 2020|Advice, Fire Safety, Security|

There is no doubting that these are strange times for everyone. But, for business owners, the challenges and obstacles just keep coming.   From having to work out what on earth ‘Furloughing’ means to managing workforces remotely, business owners are adapting to these challenging times. While the world of work is now situated in our

Fire Safety in Cardiff: 5 Affordable Ways to Protect Your Restaurant Post-lockdown 

By |2020-12-20T14:37:02+00:00December 20th, 2020|Advice, Fire Safety|

If you run a restaurant, café or public house, you will be looking forward to lockdown rules being lifted and life getting back to normal (ish). While it is suggested that we will see a phased return to normal working conditions, business owners in the industry will have a lot to do to get their

Fire and Security Tips for Reopening Your Cardiff Business Post-Lockdown

By |2020-12-20T14:36:51+00:00December 20th, 2020|Advice, Fire Safety, Security|

With the world showing signs of returning to normal, business owners will be starting to think about reopening. However, it is likely that when businesses can reopen, various safety measures will have to be taken into consideration. From staggered working hours to employees having to work 2 meters apart from one another, we will

Cost-Effective Ways to Protect Your Business From Fires

By |2020-12-20T14:36:30+00:00December 20th, 2020|Advice, Fire Safety|

Running a business office/premises can be hugely costly. From rent and rates to equipment and security, everything adds up! For this reason, duties such as fire safety can often slip through the net. This is something we at Twenty4 Fire and Security are eager to change, offering affordable fire safety solutions to ensure our customers

Protecting Cardiff: 5 Steps for Better Home Security

By |2020-12-20T14:36:13+00:00December 20th, 2020|Advice, Security|

If you have been keeping up with the news, you will be aware of the rise in home burglaries in Cardiff since lockdown. This has led to many homeowners looking at ways to further protect their homes, their belongings and most importantly; their families.    Below, we explore the 5 steps for better security at home.   

Fire Safety: The Best Ways to Keep Your Home Safe at Christmas

By |2020-12-20T14:36:21+00:00December 18th, 2020|Advice, Fire Safety|

While the joys of Christmas surround the putting up of twinkly lights, lighting festive candles and setting brandy on fire for the Christmas pudding, these traditions also come with a fair share of fire safety concerns. And although we do not want to be a Grinch, we do want to highlight a few fire safety

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