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So far Editor has created 147 blog entries.

Fire Safety Facts Welsh Businesses Can’t Ignore 

By |2020-12-21T20:43:31+00:00December 21st, 2020|Fire Safety|

Fire safety is a subject that many business owners either ignore or approach as a box-ticking exercise. This is why here at Twenty4, we are doing all we can to educate the businesses of South Wales, ensuring they are aware of the risks they face as well as the services and products out there for

CCTV for Businesses: The Benefits of CCTV Installation

By |2021-06-17T22:59:53+01:00December 21st, 2020|Security|

As a business owner, you will constantly be weighing up the pros and cons of products and services, doing all you can to make good decisions that will have a positive impact on you, your company, its staff, and its customers.  This is why exploring your options when it comes to security can be

What Fire Extinguishers Do I Need?

By |2020-12-21T20:25:30+00:00December 21st, 2020|Fire Safety|

When setting up your office, you will understandably be focused on creating a fun, creative and productive workplace in which employees can excel. While the odd Bonsai tree and a posh coffee machine will feel like a necessity, the safety of your workforce should be at the forefront of your mind.  This is why as

Security in Cardiff: How to Protect Your Home During Lockdown

By |2020-12-21T18:06:59+00:00December 21st, 2020|Advice, Security|

It is no secret that we find ourselves in strange, unnerving times, with the spread of Covid-19 bringing with it a whole set of social and economic impacts. Now, with Boris Johnson's recent instruction for Brits to follow strict social distancing guidelines, many of us will be spending more time at home.  Here at Twenty4,

Fire and Security: How to Protect Your Office in Cardiff During Lockdown

By |2021-06-17T23:04:29+01:00December 21st, 2020|Advice, Fire Safety, Security|

There is no doubting that these are strange times for everyone. But, for business owners, the challenges and obstacles just keep coming.   From having to work out what on earth ‘Furloughing’ means to managing workforces remotely, business owners are adapting to these challenging times. While the world of work is now situated in our

Meet the Team: An Exclusive Interview with Twenty4 Director, Dave Baldwin 

By |2021-06-17T23:08:37+01:00December 21st, 2020|Fire Safety|

With our working days being a little quieter than usual, now is the perfect time to get to know each other better. This is why at Twenty4 Fire and Security, we will be profiling different members of the team over the coming weeks, giving our readers an insight into who we are, our experience

Fire Safety in Cardiff: 5 Affordable Ways to Protect Your Restaurant Post-lockdown 

By |2020-12-20T14:37:02+00:00December 20th, 2020|Advice, Fire Safety|

If you run a restaurant, café or public house, you will be looking forward to lockdown rules being lifted and life getting back to normal (ish). While it is suggested that we will see a phased return to normal working conditions, business owners in the industry will have a lot to do to get their

Fire and Security Tips for Reopening Your Cardiff Business Post-Lockdown

By |2020-12-20T14:36:51+00:00December 20th, 2020|Advice, Fire Safety, Security|

With the world showing signs of returning to normal, business owners will be starting to think about reopening. However, it is likely that when businesses can reopen, various safety measures will have to be taken into consideration. From staggered working hours to employees having to work 2 meters apart from one another, we will

Meet the Team: An Exclusive Interview with Twenty4 Director, Alex Lloyd-Hughes 

By |2020-12-20T14:36:40+00:00December 20th, 2020|Company News|

It’s that time of the week again where we post a Q and A with a member of the Twenty4 family. This week, we have interviewed Alex Lloyd-Hughes; one of the Directors of the business.   Read on to learn about his professional background, tips for opening up post-lockdown and plans for the business.   Tell us

Cost-Effective Ways to Protect Your Business From Fires

By |2020-12-20T14:36:30+00:00December 20th, 2020|Advice, Fire Safety|

Running a business office/premises can be hugely costly. From rent and rates to equipment and security, everything adds up! For this reason, duties such as fire safety can often slip through the net. This is something we at Twenty4 Fire and Security are eager to change, offering affordable fire safety solutions to ensure our customers

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