We’re answering all your questions about professional commercial intruder alarm systems. Call us now for expert advice.

Do I legally have to have intruder alarms?

By |2022-09-22T16:10:18+01:00September 22nd, 2022||

There are no strict laws in place to say a business has to have an intruder alarm installed. However, if you are a business owner then keeping your property, staff and visitors safe is a responsibility you must take seriously, with protecting your business against intruders and thieves boasting various advantages to you and

What is an intruder alarm?

By |2022-09-22T16:08:51+01:00September 22nd, 2022||

An intruder alarm is a device that detects unwanted intruders in a property or area, designed to ensure property owners and occupants keep their property safe. If an unwanted intruder does enter, the alarm will be sounded, alerting the property owners and the emergency services immediately.

What does intruder alarm maintenance involve?

By |2022-09-22T16:05:55+01:00September 22nd, 2022||

A typical intruder alarm maintenance visit will include the following tasks: A discussion surrounding any issues experienced with your intruder alarm. An inspection of all parts for any signs of damage. A full check of the condition of the device including signs of problems, water damage, dust, dirt and so on. Sounding the alarm.

Who will install my intruder alarm?

By |2022-09-22T16:03:44+01:00September 22nd, 2022||

When using Twenty4 Fire and Security for your intruder alarm installation, you will be supplied with an experienced, qualified engineer that has been fully trained and security screened. They will install and talk you through your device in a professional, prompt manner, ensuring everything is in full working order before leaving the property. Also,

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